Whenever you buy something what happens? Okay, that’s not a great way to ask the question because a lot of things happen.
Let’s see if we can ask a better question.
What happens in your mind before you buy something?
You probably think that there is some magnificent logical calculus that takes place but that isn’t the case. What is happening is that you’re telling yourself a story.
You’re telling a story about yourself. You’re reliving your past. You’re observing the present. And you’re predicting the future.
The story that we tell ourselves dictates whether we buy the thing or not. It’s not the story that the marketer shares with us, but the story we play in our heads.
If that’s the case then what is the point of the marketer? The marketer has to ignite the story. They marketer has to let us know what is possible so we understand the framework in which our story takes place.
Without this framework, we don’t know where to take a story.
For example, if someone gives you a pack of cards and you’ve never seen a pack of cards before then there is no story that is going to play out. It’s just a stack of paper-like objects.
But if the marketer shows us a couple of card tricks beforehand and then hands us the pack of cards, we start to envision ourselves doing some tricks. We’ve created a story of ourselves that didn’t exist before, thanks to the marketer.
And what happens when we tell ourselves that wonderful story? We get out our wallets.
Stop Trying to Sell
A lot of people are starting their own online businesses today and that’s amazing. Good for them!
But they are struggle to sell and that means they end up trying to sell even harder. The truth is that you should stop trying to sell.
That sounds crazy I know, but if you can stop selling and instead do a better job of telling stories then you have a better shot at growing your business.
That’s what I want to show you how to do here if you give me just a little bit of your time. We’re going to explore a framework that will show you how to tell a better story so that your reader becomes a customer.
Not because you sold them on something but because they sold themselves on it.